Diversity & Equity

THE HOW: Diversifying your High School Texts and/or Classroom Library (Part 2)

If your interested in learning more about diversifying your texts, see Part 1 of this series: THE WHY: Diversifying your High School Texts and /or Classroom Library (Part 1) The How: Taking inventory So you already have a classroom library and don't know where to start? You can use a variety of ways to find… Continue reading THE HOW: Diversifying your High School Texts and/or Classroom Library (Part 2)

Diversity & Equity

THE WHY: Diversifying your High School Texts and/or Classroom Library (Part 1)

If you teach English in high school you have encountered the weak reader or worse the non reader. If reading is a skill, then the only way to get stronger is to practice. But how can you convince someone who struggles, refuses, or even hates reading to practice. The Why: The Movement Students need to… Continue reading THE WHY: Diversifying your High School Texts and/or Classroom Library (Part 1)